
Submission Opportunity

I know that most of us are oriented around the short story/novel, but if you're at all interested in theatre (or film, performance art, whathaveyou) and want to be involved in this, there's still time to submit something for UT's New Work Week. Basically, UT devotes a weekend of performances to staged readings of student written or devised work. Note the exciting bit about half way down - what you submit doesn't have to be finished. This tends to be a pretty neat experience, so if you've ever dreamed of seeing your writing staged, or have a play or screenplay stashed under your bed, this is a great chance to dust it off.

The deadline is close, but I literally just remembered this yesterday. E-mail me if you want the submission form.

Spring Quarter 2008
New Work Week
4th Week

University Theater is seeking submissions of new work including:

Stage Plays
Screen Plays
Situational Comedy
Musical Compositions
Performance Art

Work does not have to be in finished state for submission, and
portions of work can be staged.

We are interested in showcasing and developing the immense
range of creative talent at the University with small time
commitment. Writers/Performers would work collaboratively
with matched directors, with brief initial meetings beginning
at the end of this quarter. Rehearsals would range from 1-3
meetings over the first 3 weeks of Spring Quarter.

New Work Submissions:
Submission Requirements: 2 copies of work, contact
information, and what stage you are in the process (# of
drafts, prior readings, stagings or concerts)

Those interested in working with writers/performers, please
submit a short paragraph detailing current interest and/or
prior experience as well as current contact information.
Directors are matched with playwrights and all will be
notified at the same time. New Work Week will audition with
all UT shows during first week of Spring Quarter.

Deadline Friday, Feb 22 by 5pm
Reynolds Club #301

Notification of selection: March 7th
For more information, please contact Heidi Coleman
Heidi Coleman
Director, University Theater
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Theater and Performance Studies

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