

(Am I allowed to post to this thing? Well, here goes. I guess if I'm not, Raisa will block me or something.)

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make it to this week's meeting, and my response to the prompt has wandered off somewhere else anyway and I don't have quite the time to get it back on track. But I have realized that my google mail account gets me registered here, so I'm taking advantage of that and starting a personal blog where I'll be dumping all the writing that, for whatever reason, doesn't get workshopped.

In other words, things will be available on my other account and if you're
a) bored
b) a glutton for punishment
c) a compulsive editor
d) a blog addict
e) all of the above
you should feel free to wander over and read whatever I've got up there (and if you're c, leave a comment, s'il vous plait).

OK. Over and out.

1 comment:

Raisa Priebe said...

of course you're welcome to post here! that's what the blog is for.

looking forward to seeing more of your writing!