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Hi all.

Some of you were (questionably) lucky to be around for my semi-coherent discussion of what I did with my summer when I was interning with a literary agent. I think at the time I promised to post the useful, non-rambling bits to the blog, along with a few links.

I have done this - sort of. Meaning, I put together a lot of information about what I do as an assistant in an agency, what an agency actually does, and how that relates to the publishing industry in the first place. Only thing is, I didn't post it here.

What I actually did was tinkered with the code on my other blog so that it would accept expandable posts (look, there were like six pages of material...you did NOT want to see that all posted at once) and stored all of my notes there. You should mosey on over and check it out.* Maybe at some point in the future I'll see about getting some more specific examples of Bad Query Letter/Good Query Letter if anyone's interested.

Because, you know, reading about publishing and/or messing around with HTML and style sheets is a lot more fun than finals.

*If I figure out how to modify the style sheet for this blog, I will move everything over here, I promise.