
Writing Contest

I saw this postcard story contest and I thought I should pass it on to all you fine Workers (do we have a collective plural yet?). It sounds entertaining.

You find a postcard you like, write a 500-word story - fiction OR non-fiction, interestingly enough - and send it in. The deadline is November 1. Could be fun, especially if any of you go in for very short. Or it could be a good prompt/exercise/activity; who knows?

And an FYI on the industry and contests in general (for those of you who don't know, I spent my summer interning with a literary agent, so I got to paddle in the murky waters of the publishing pond. It was fantastic): part of writing is getting published, and one thing that will help you get published is placing in contests. It's not a guarantee someone will pick you up just like that, but it will get their attention and, hopefully, make them look twice, remember your name, and maybe even ask to see pages. So if you feel good about something and are seriously thinking of trying to get published at some point - especially in the short story line - it might be worth the $20.

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