
Summer WIP

Since a few of us will be in Chicago this summer, I thought it might be fun to hold a few meetings or just hang out and talk about writing. If you're down for that, let me know. The first meet-up probably wouldn't be until July. And just so you know, all of you will have to listen to me agonize over my B.A. at least twenty times. Hope that's okay with you.


Amy said...

I'll be around!


lisbeth said...

I'll be here and I'd love to have some summer meetings, although my evenings might get a bit wonky near the end of July.

We can swap BA nerves...I'm supposed to be reading for mine too.

lisbeth said...

Righto...it's July and I'm around embryonic books for some of my week so my fingers are getting twitchy. I'm also spending way too much time watching TV on the internet.

Anybody up for a meeting? Raia, can I help on the organizing front? I'd be happy to host/coordinate of an evening - well, except for Thursday.

LJM said...

I'm from the class of 2012... just getting in some early RSO stalking. Good to see there's an active writing group on campus. :)

Will any of you guys be around during O-Week?

Raisa Priebe said...

I'm way interested in getting something together for the summer. Does Wednesday work for the people in Chicago this summer? Could we do it next Wednesday? Lisbeth, could we have it at your place?

Veritas, I won't be in Chicago during O-Week, but there will definitely be a group presence. Glad to see that you're interested!

One Girl Revolution said...

Can we do a day besides Wednesday? I have always wanted to come and never been able to and I have workshops I have to attend for my internship every Wednesday night. Raia?