
WiP Presents: Nic Pizzolatto

As I'm sure you already know, either from the listhost or Facebook or those nifty green fliers, or good, old-fashioned word of mouth, we of Work in Progress are lucky enough to have UC creative writing professor Nic Pizzolatto joining us for a Q&A session this Tuesday.

Don't know about Nic? Pity. You're missing out.

Nic Pizzolatto received his MFA from the University of Arkansas in 2005, where he was awarded the $10,000 Walton Foundation Fellowship in Creative Writing two years in a row and received a Lilly Peter Fellowship in Poetry. His stories have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, The Oxford American, The Iowa Review, The Missouri Review, and various other literary journals. In 2004, his work was among the finalists for the National Magazine Award in Fiction. His first book, Between Here and the Yellow Sea, was published in May, 2006. It was long-listed for the International Frank O’Connor Award, and named by Poets & Writers Magazine as one of the top five fiction debuts of the year. He is currently at work on novels and stories.

To put it bluntly, this is good. Really good. How often do you get the chance to sit down with someone who really knows the ropes and ask all the questions - from the smart ones to the really stupid ones?

We spend a lot of time at our meetings working on copy: where do I get my ideas and how can I make the ideas I have better? These are all well and good, but eventually you want other people to read your ideas, right?

Right. That's where Nic comes in because he, unlike most of us, can speak not only to ideas, but to diseminating them. Questions like, how to navigate submissions, how to write a query, how to deal with rejection (hint: I suspect this is not the way to go about it), and how to actually sell what you've created and perfected. Even if you think of yourself as a closet writer, you probably have the odd daydream about Getting Published - and what better way to Get Published than to go out and ask questions?

So, please join us on Tuesday, May 6 at 6:30 PM in Rosenwald 405 for free food, free chat, and, most importantly, free advice.

Hope to see you there!

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