
Summer reading list

Long overdue, here is the open post for our summer reading list. I'll include a few here; leave your suggestions in the comments.

Intruder in the Dust - William Faulkner
Trickster's Choice - Tamora Pierce
The Greenlanders - Jane Smiley
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

1 comment:

lisbeth said...

The fantasy-inclined among you should all (ALL) read Lev Grossman's new book,
The Magicians
, which comes out in August.

It's a little bit C.S. Lewis, a little bit Secret History (read that too, if you haven't; the author is Donna Tartt and it's amazing), and a lot Harry Potter. I'm not saying it's perfect or that the dominant form of fantasy should be like this, but it's an experiment that needed to be tried, and the result is more or less dazzling.